Enjoy the quiet, peaceful, country life others only dream of – free from traffic, human noises,
pure, clean mountain water and air,
vibrant wildlife, and blazing night skies.
Whether you want to meditate on a sparkling river on the river, bike or hike a mountain trail, bird-watch, fish, or hunt, it’s all nearby. Southern Colorado offers more than 23-million acres of public land. The second largest elk herd in the nation runs in the Basque del Oso preserve ten miles up the highway.
Willowrun is fifty minutes or less from Cucharu Mountain Resort, Monument Lake, North Lake, Blue Lake, Trinidad Lake State Park, Lathrop State Park, and the newest and second largest state park in Colorado: Fisher’s Peak State Park. Three parks, four lakes and great hunting and fishing minutes away.
Fifty minutes from the historic City of Trinidad with its turn-of-the-century downtown, galleries, cafes, live theater, restaurants and Space to Create Colorado, and the annual Blues Festival.
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